
I’m heading back today, but before I go I wanted to see Ben surfing. He says 5.30 is the best time to get up and go. This morning was actually raining but we went down to check out the beach anyway. The water is so warm. I would even swim. Apparently the waves were no good today so we went and had a look at the beach. There’s no doubt the beaches are beautiful here, clear water and white sand, it’s a lovely place, but soo busy.

Oh well, so no surfing today! So, time to go, lovely to see Ben and his place have to get back. I said goodbye and hit the road. Who knows when we’ll see him again? I’m proud of how hes made a life for himself here, found a job and set up a house. And he has a great work ethic too. He has plans to go overseas later this year and plans to fly from Melbourne, so perhaps I’ll see him then.

I decided to take the coast road to Ballina because someone (Ben) said it was nice, it meant I had to get through Byron first though. Theres one road in and its really busy. I was a bit dissappointed by whoever recommended that road to me…it was just bush, nothing special.

Ben with Birdie the surviving rat!

I have 1600 km to do by Saturday, and i think I drove 400 today to get to this little place called Croki which is actually on an Island! Its on the Manning river this time. Just about every place has had a river. Its a tiny carvan park, nice and clean and green, but facilities are limited.

Daylight savings is over so last night was a bit difficult doing anything in the dark. I had my lantern torch, but the hook broke on it and I couldn’t hang it up. I decided it was best just to go to bed at 7.30.!

So here i am at Croki with all my mossie bites from Nimbin, Byron and I feel like more from here. Its a bit cooler than it has been, time to change to jeans, have another cup of tea and pack up!

Yesterday at the blue quarry
Whian Whian falls

Oh yes, i forgot that this is an Op Shop Hop and to mention this one. Just at the start of a long stretch of roadworks of about 50km and only single lane and only allowed to do 80kph (unless the annoying person infront of you is doing 60!) I came across this one in Woodburn. A big box of free stuff out the front, so I picked up a thermos. I found a nice overpriced shirt with a tear in the seam, when I mentioned this to the woman, she just took it from me and took it out the back! Took the decision out of my hands.! Literally!!

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