Byron Bay

Well I made it! I arrived last night and with much difficulty found the place. I was told to just go in and make myself at home, Ben and Tayla were both working til late. Ahh, it was good to finally get there and see Bennie, Tayla and meet their house mate and now lonely rat!

I woke up to the sounds of the forest. While there are people living close by, it really feels private…..strange set up with them living in the front house and the back of the property is a yoga retreat. It consists of about 4 buildings linked by an outdoor walkway. One building has the bedrooms, one the kitchen and so on. The owner has had the property on the market and maybe is having trouble selling so its now for lease. Theres a swimming pool too. If I were living there I’d be taking advantage of that pool!

And there are so many mossies heres. The Nimbin mossies must be extra nasty cos i remember last time we were there being bitten and those bites drove me crazy with their endless itch which seemed to last for days….well its the same this time and then more mossies at Bens.

Ben and I went to the Whian Whian falls. A beautiful spot on a river where you could swim in the rock pools or jump off the rock ledges. Had lunch and swam for a bit. On the way home there an old quarry thats been filled by rain i guess, but the water is blue!

I’m having difficulty uploading any photos, so will try in tomorrows post instead

Whian Whian falls

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