Lake Maquarie

I went to bed last night with the buzzing of mosquitos around my head, but I think it’s because theres just so many of them here that l could hear them thru the wall! Anyhow when I woke up the ditch/gully had turned into a river. It rained that much!

Last night
This morning

I have to confess to being a bit nervous about the drive up that narrow unmade road!! And it hasn’t really stopped raining all morning either….

…..well it wasn’t that bad after all and there was a spot near the top with the most magnificent view. Would have been better if it wasn’t raining, but I couldn’t afford to wait for rain to clear.

I only drove about 60 km today, I drove through the Central Coast along all the waterways and took my time and enjoyed the water views. It rained most of the time, which depressed me as I was thinking I’d be spending my time trying to stay dry tonight.

It seems that the Central Coast is a series of suburbs, just like Melbourne, but all on the water. I googled ‘op shops near me’ and went to Toukley and trawled through a Vinnies (just the usual) a salvos- 5 pieces of clothing for $5 and everything else half price, an Adra op shop, all clothes $2 and everything else over $1 was half price! And then my favourite type of op shop, the local one but prices were a bit over much.

I was a bit op shopped out by then, so bought some lunch and went looking for a place to eat. The roads are busy. Brett was talking to me via bluetooth in the car and he’s been following me on google maps, so he found me a place to eat lunch along the river, buggered if i know what river….the Hawkesbury. ? And directed me there. Its my own live Tom Tom, with running commentary.! This is where I ended up

Anyhow, thankfully, the rain dried up around lunchtime and the sun even came out. I’m spending tonight in a Big 4 right on the banks of Lake Maquarie. I’m taking a punt the rain stays away and camping tonight. This is a lovely spot. Soft green grass to sleep on, (except tonight i will blow up the air mattress) its spacious, great view, and facilities, excellent camp kitchen facilities, and clean amenities.

I’m just wondering whether i can feel a few spots of rain and maybe lightening out of the corner of my eye…..

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