Mount White

I said goodbye to Mum & Mark at Surf Beach this morning and my goal for today was to get past Sydney. I decided the easiest way was to go back up and over Clyde Mountain and go via Goulburn rather than the coast way. In hindsight I’m not sure why I worried, I think I have plenty of time.

On the way through Goulburn I couldn’t resist stopping at a place called Argyles Emporium…The old police station. This huge old rambling building was filled with books and records. Rooms going off everywhere filled! One whole room dedicated to religion, another to fantasy and so on. I got some pictures..

Argyles Emporium
Check out the price!
For you, Mollie.

The drive past Sydney wasn’t as bad as I’d thought it would. But I do remember a slow road from last time and it was the same again. There was a point when it absolutly poured with rain which was a bit scary on a 110 road!

And because it was raining I decided that camping might not be so fun. I’m staying at Greenmans on the Hawkesbury, a place that feels miles away from anywhere, but its actually quite close to Sydney. Its in Mt White and you have to drive down this long winding narrow gravel track, not sure how it would go with a caravan in tow. I wasn’t sure what to expect as I’m driving through the bush, but you come out to this lush green caravan park right on the river. The setting is awesome and for camping alone would be really nice, but it was raining and quite a lot so I have got a cabin…My initial reaction was Deliverance! Nah, I am a bit dissappointed tho, I was given their ‘best’ cabin and if this is their best….welll then…It’s clean at least. If I came back it would be for camping and have to be sunny……oh yeah, toilet block a bit dubious… and theres a gully that runs along side my cabin and is more of a ditch breeding mosquitos. I’m a winger, but it was quite expensive. There are mainly pernament vans here. The camping here would be nice tho if it weren’t raining. I guess i could have put my tent under the camp kitchen. I went for a wander around later and the river is beautiful. It is a good spot, just a little expensive

Looking at that last photo…..looks like a landslide has happened, and actually i was talking to somehere here tonight and he was telling me about a landslip that had happened and was surprised that it wasn’t reported…if you zoom into that last photo, it looks like it might be the there.

View from my front porch

Good thing I brought some dinner, cos theres no where to go here. And that macaroni and cheese looks nice in the pack, but in reality, its not much. How hard is it to make macaroni cheese taste nice? ….just wish I had some Lindt chocolate….that would be nice with my cup of tea. The more i think about it……..Oh well, il’ll just read Ira Levin on my new ipad in bed instead…small consolation.

I havent even planned tomorrows trip yet!…..

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