Mum’s Place

I’ve spent these two days relaxing here in this lovely place with beautiful coastlines and clear water. Sunny and warm, bit of shopping, bit of walking, bit of sewing and of course -morning coffees!

There are the usual Vinnies and Salvos in Batemans Bay. Mum had a chair she asked for my help to recover, she wanted to buy some fabric, but I suggested finding something at the local op shop. We found a doona cover at Vinnies for $3 which did the job! We took it home and sewed it up, well i did, on my old Pfaff!

Batemans Bay has the usual Vinnies and Salvos store, nothing different there, but about 10 km south in a town called Tomakin there is a big rambling op shop called Rally for Recovery. Lots of books and furniture, linen and crockery. All this stuff they keep on the footpath, I’m not sure what happens if it rains. They had shelves and shelves of books and they are all in alphabetical order (yay!) They cost a little bit more than I’d like, but what the heck! And Ellen, I did look for John Birmingham! I now have ‘Crazy Rich Asians’ which is sposed to be funny, another Maureen Lee, she writes about families who lived through air raids and bombings in WW2 in Liverpool.

Tomakin is a little beach side village with nothing much there, no other shops but a general store and Rally for Recovery. They keep all this stuff outside on the footpath, not sure what happens when it rains!

View from the cliff top at Tomakin

On the way back from Tomakin we visited Mogo, a small heritage town with lots of arty and niche stores. Mogo started life as a gold mining town in the 1850’s

In the town of Mogo

And, from the op shop of mum, I’ve scored myself an mini ipad! She’s just upgraded, and this will be my first foray into the world of apples.!?….

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