Surf Beach

Its a 210 km drive to Surf Beach (in Batemans Bay) which is where I’m headed today to see Mum & Mark, but before going there, Fiona and I went to check out the other Green Shed.

The car was covered in frost (well it looked like frost!) In the morning and 8 degrees when I left. I feel like it was only last week we were in shorts and how quickly its gotten cold! This Green Shed wasn’t quite as good as the first, but I got myself a camping mattress and also some photos this time!

In this one were more boats, there was pianos, a spa (Brett), golf clubs and more golf clubs, manequin body part, more free clothing, surf boards/canoes/windsurfer. I think this one had the tip nearby because as it warmed up, so did the smell!

Half way between Canberra and Batemans Bay is a little historic town that dates back to 1890 or something. Its called Braidwood and its where all the Camberra people stop for a coffee and i did too. On the main street are all the old and rustic places, drive through the back streets and thats where you see the yellow and green and white and pink asbestos houses from the 70s.

A St Vinnies in the main street I had a look at, but nothing special there.

You have to drive over Clyde Mountain on the Kings Highway to get to Batemans Bay, a long, windy downhill drive. You don’t want to drive too fast and there are numerous safety ramps in case your brakes fail!

Arrived here at Surf Beach where I’ll spend a few days at Mums before heading up North. Mums place is a lovely light filled sunny unit in a complex with about 30 others. Theres a pool and tennis court here too and its right on the beach. I’ll still be checking out the local op shops here too.

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