
I’m off to Canberra today to spend some time with Steve, Fiona and the family. I’ve been invited to a special birthday party. My niece is turning 9 today.!

The showers at Darling Point Caravan Park were sooo good. Great water pressure and hot and endless, which was so nice considering my lousy sleep. I never really seriously considered what i was going to be sleeping on in the tent. I thought a yoga mat would do!. Ha! Had breakfast and packed up. I enjoyed my night here apart from the lack of comfortable mattress. Really nice place and clean, lots of shade with the Murrumbidgee river close by.

Murrumbidgee River

Drove all the way to Wagga Wagga where i stopped for lunch. I had lunch at the town beach. A really nice spot along the Murrumbidgee again. People here talk about the 5 o’clock wave on the river. Apparently at 5.00 each night they open the dam and a wave of water is let out, its something to see and depending on water levels, some people have been known to surf it all the way to the next town, Narrandera. Hmmmm. Well i would have liked to see that but couldn’t hang around til 5.00!

Wagga Wagga town beach

I know all the river photos look a bit the same and after all they are the same river, just 150km apart!

I ended up on a secondary road all the way to Gundagai, it was 100kph, and up and down, round hills and narrow roads. Didn’t like it much. I never knew what to expect on the other side of a hill. Loved the tom tom though, i always knew what was coming even if it didn’t feel like it! Next time, i think I’ll go the main road! The road eventually went under the Hume, through Gundagai, back over the Hume and eventually onto it, where it was all the way to Yass (where as i was listening to the radio it was explained that an episode of Queer Eye was filmed which helped put Yass on the map). I had time to spare so went into Yass and visited Ross’s Relics, a rabbit warren of a place with shelves jam packed with hundreds of ornaments and kitchen ware. Narrow paths winding between old furniture used to display china and bric a brac. Not a place to take children. Out the front is a couple of shipping containers also packed with more stuff. A ginormous wooden eagle, for sale! Who would buy that for their loungeroom?

Driving from Yass to Canberra chatting to Katie and Mollie made that last bit go quickly. I’m excited to hear that the job Katie went for, she got! Well done!

It was good to see everyone in Canberra. It’s actually Maya’s birthday today, so her choice for dinner was pizza infront of the tv watching an episode of her favourite tv series, The Flash!

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